The Economist's Song

Jas. H. Duke

Performance Instructions:
First read down the columns starting at the left hand top corner. Then read across the columns starting in the same place. Then read up the columns starting at the right hand bottom corner. Then read across the columns starting in the same place. Then read across the columns from the left hand top corner again. Then stop. The last words should be Down the Gurgler, Down the Gurgler, Down the Gurgler . Initially the voice should be that of an 'expert' (one totally in control) but pitch, speed and loudness should gradually rise and the last section should come out pell-mell until the Down the Gurglers are reached. These should come out in breathy gasps, giving an impression of exhaustion.

Raise productivity
Pursuit of Excellence
Cut Wages
Our Trading Partners
Raise Profits
Cut Tariffs
We'll Drive the Dollar through the Floor
We'll Drive the Dollar through the Floor
Raise Productivity
Down the Gurgler
Cut Taxes
Raise Productivity
Cut Government Spending
The Balance of Trade
Cut Taxes
Cut Wages

Cut Wages
Down the Gurgler
More Competitive
Cut Wages
The Current Account
Level Playing Field
Raise Executive Salaries

Cut Welfare
Down the Gurgler

© 2001 NMA Publications and Jas. H. Duke estate.